Thursday, October 10, 2024

WE COULD HAVE MISSED THIS: Working for the Weekend

 For the first time since before Dorothy was born, we do not have sportsball-filled weekends.

Cooper is not playing hockey this year (a hard decision for a lot of reasons), and he did not join the rest of his tournament baseball team when they opted to join a team with professional coaches and lots of off-season training. Instead, he joined a dad-coached tournament team with Little League friends, and he doesn’t have any baseball commitments until January. 

Dorothy has occasional dance commitments on Sundays, and Dorothy, Jack, and Cooper all dive at UW on Sundays. But. THAT IS IT.

Sure, there are dance comps and dive meets occasionally, but both of these activities have heavy weeknight commitment and not a ton of weekends.


It’s been a delight. I cannot describe it more eloquently than that. We are delighting in all of our free time.

Ben and I took Minnie to the campus art museum during dive last weekend and just marveled at how relaxed we were. I have time to make 2 or 3 meals on Sundays. We can clean the house. See movies. Take walks. Pick apples. Bake cookies. Eat cookies. WATCH TV. 



  1. That sounds amazing, Sarah! How nice to have so much time freed up! Also, I would like to say that we only have two small commitments on weekends and I STILL don't manage to make 2 or 3 meals AND go apple picking AND bake cookies AND clean the house. You are still a superhuman in my book.

  2. Oh yay, how lovely to have time to enjoy yourself on the weekend!

  3. Ha, you're probably like "Is this the way normal people live???" It sounds lovely. Although your relaxed weekend still sound busy to me- I guess it's all about perspective.

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking it - so you didn't want to have a free weekend to RELAX, you wanted to have a free weekend to do tons of OTHER stuff. You amaze me. Truly.

  5. Wow - since Dorothy was born. That's a long stretch. It is mind blowing to read the list of things you found time to do in place of ball sports. I wrote a couple of tournaments for Curly on our dry erase calendar and she later explained that those were only JV tournies and she wasn't playing or attending. It was super exciting.

  6. That's a really busy weekend, but nice to have variety instead of sports all of the time. Enjoy!

  7. Yay for white space. I feel frazzled with our limited extracurriculars, but I love that you have this extra margin to do things that bring you joy. Enjoy the extra time to be filled as you see fit.

  8. Lisa's Yarns8:10 AM

    Yay for more white space in your schedule! It sounds like you all really needed it, especially with Ben being away for a good chunk of the week!

  9. Hooray for some margin! Even though you still were busy, you filled it with really fun things like going to a museum and apple picking! I love this for you!!
