Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Why Does my Shoulder Hurt, OR What's in my Bag?

 I spent all weekend putting a heating pad on my shoulder and chewing ibuprofen by the handful, which is HILARIOUS to me because the last thing I did on Friday before I left my office was take pics of my giant work bag and everything in it to write another one of those posts that Engie says are full of detail but say nothing (SAVAGE).

ANYWAY, here's the tl;dr in all its l, r-ing glory.

First of all, this purse is just a giant, unstructured tote bag, so it gets SUPER MESSY unless I use an organizer. I have the same bag only older and in checkers with red lining that has been my diaper bag since Cooper was born. I do NOT use an organizer for that one, and it’s just a big hot drippy mess (srsly— water bottles spill in there; it’s full of discarded wet wipes that are still damp; the lip gloss I dredge up from the bottom has tiny bits of Goldfish and hair on it. I have actually SENT IT BACK TO THE COMPANY for a new bottom, but it is AGAIN ripping on the bottom corners (after 13 years of rough use). But this! This is my dedicated work purse, so I am a little more careful with it. (Fun fact: these bags are plastic-coated canvas, not leather).

But! I am not SUPER CAREFUL as you can tell from stains, ink, spills, and crumbs (sometimes I actually vacuum it out, but on this occasion, I just banged it over the trash can a few times). (And! I think that’s really just fine. Bags are USEFUL, and I have USED THE HECK out of this one and its predecessor).

First of all, I keep a bunch of stuff in the zipper pocket of this bag (that is lined, so it would be a pretty ok spot for pens or anything else you want to keep contained/is prone to leaking).

I have like $3 in case I want a pack of gum, tampons in case my period comes back (IT HAS BEEN 115 DAYS— I am not crossing my fingers), hand lotion, chap stick, mascara, a hair tie, blush, neutral eye shadow, and a brush to either apply eye shadow or smooth out what I am already wearing because it settles into my wrinkles pretty aggressively. I also have a tube of cheapy eye cream in there because sometimes, I just look haggy and parched, you know? 

Next, I always have my computer, my iPad, and a bunch of power cords that I carry in one of those In Case zipper pouches. It is bigger than my current computer (from an ancient Mack Book Pro) and works for both devices and all the cords

To stop exploding pens from causing further ruin and to attempt to be able to find my my stuff, I bought one of THESE organizers after an IG stylist I follow recommended them.

This organizer is a LIFESAVER, and I wish I had one for my diaper bag all those years ago (TOO LATE NOW).

Here’s the tremendous amount of stuff it holds:

Pens and washi tape for my planner
Reading glasses (I have 2 pairs of identical readers, and these live in my work bag) and sunglasses. I HAVE A TYPE, OKAY?
My Kindle (fits right in a pocket!!)
Mostly pink lipsticks, a couple of hair ties and a tiny claw clip
MOAR hand lotion and a giant hand sani 
A kid hair tie, a clear hair tie, taco bandaids, and a single Bobby pin (LOL)
But seriously! My organizer makes that stuff look legit

Unlike my 2011 diaper bag version, the 2022 Neverfull comes with a cute little wristlet that you can attach to the inside of the bag OR wear around your wrist in a loop. That’s where I keep my keys, AirPods, phone, a hair tie, and another freaking lip balm (this one is by Tarte and has a hint of color- LOVE IT)- anything I would like to pull out of the bag and take with me on a walk or a trip down the hall.

Plus— LOL— a real folder of old timey paper

AND! An actual NOTE BOOK!
BUT SERIOUSLY, my shoulder hurts just looking at all the STUFF.

And! I didn’t even count my water bottle!

What about you— what’s in your work bag? (I might do this again about my mom bag)


  1. My bag is a lululemon tote from probably 8 years ago, I always have keys, phone, 20 lip products, toothbrush and paste, charger, wallet, 4 pair of sunglasses, 1 pair readers, a couple of pens, a tiny sanitizer (love you have a full size one with pump, that's bold), and whatever book/ kobo I'm reading. I have a small matt and bow that I use when I'm shopping, I pare it down to essentials only (like, only one pair of sunglasses and a couple of lipsticks).

    1. I keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in my desk at work!

  2. I have a fanny pack that has my wallet, receipts I've stashed but not yet filed, vehicle and house keys, one hair tie, and a lip balm. In other words SPARSE!
    I love the idea that Nicole carries a toothbrush and toothpaste everywhere! I have a friend who never leaves home without a change of clothes (including underwear), her glasses (she wears contacts), and a toothbrush/toothpaste! She said she never knows when she might not be able to make it home from work (a bad storm, maybe? only once in my life have I unexpectedly had to stay the night somewhere), so she wants to be prepared.

    1. I love your friend’s very practical impulse!

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I mostly wfh, but do bring a backpack to do work from the car at school pickup and during swim lessons. I also bring the same backpack, packed differently, on trips.

    For school pickup and lessons: Laptop, ipad, phone with stick-on wallet that has cards+cash, paper calendar, paper notebook, pens, a set of post-its, headphones (for work meetings when I have the car windows open), and alternate glasses (either reading glasses for while working or bifocals for when not. I use the same case for both and swap them back and forth). Plus a small plastic bag with what I call a "mom pack" for injuries: band-aids, some gauze, some wipes, and a mini hand sanitizer. This is mostly because my kid is still at an age at which a swift band-aid can prevent prolonged crying, so I like to be prepared just in case.

    When traveling, it's all the daily things plus: full set of cords in a cord organizer, kid's ipad, kid's headphones, coffee/tea thermos for me, kid's water bottle, any kid homework, #2 pencils, a pencil sharpener, kid coloring book, colored pencils, small whiteboards (sometimes used for math homework), and dry erase markers.

    I keep spare hair bands in the car and also my kid's current week's spelling words. I ask her the words at stoplights, which saves us from having to do them so much at home. She is starting to get grumpy about it though, so I'm going to need to find a way to mix it up after her upcoming school break.

    1. YEs to the spelling words in the car! We did this when they were in elementary, and it is genius. My emergency mom pack now lives in the car, and it is similarly stocked.

  4. I love love love seeing what people carry around in their purses. I have an ancient Kate Spade tote that has a zip top and I love it so much. I have been using it for probably a decade now, maybe longer? You can tell its aging by looking at the handles, which are kind of frayed. But I don't use a bag all that often anymore. My phone has a case with a spot for my ID and my credit card, so I mainly just carry that and my keys. Today I do have my big purse with me, and in it are my computer, wallet, sanitizer, computer charger, a little notebook, many pens, a hairbrush, three chapsticks for some reason, hand lotion, After Bite, hand sanitizer, and emergency anxiety medication (which I use when I fly). Usually I carry a $5 or a $10 just in case, but I had to use my just-in-case cash over the weekend and haven't replenished it.

    1. I'm also just phone (with glued on wallet) and keys most days. I started doing this in the pandemic and haven't looked back.

      But my "work bag" is similar to your "purse" down to the cords, lipstick, and paper products. A rose by any other name, right :)?


  5. Oooh I love these posts - do the Mom bag next for sure! Now that my kids are teens and carry most of their own stuff I've been experimenting with carrying smaller purses, but it's hard because I'm more of an always be prepared for every situation type of person. My "essentials" are extra Auvi Qs and claritin/benadryl because my kids have food allergies, small container of other meds like Advil, etc., hair ties, lipstick, Aquaphor, gum, mints, pen, Bandaids, extra contacts, chapstick, concealer, asthma inhaler, headphones, phone charger, tissues, hand sanitizer, keys, wallet, phone, snack of some sort, water bottle (but that doesn't fit in smallest bags, so I have to carry it separately).

    1. I keep a lot of this in the car. It’s funny because I can;t imagine a post-snack carrying life. I think I have become dependent on them by now.

  6. I LOVE THIS. I am doing it right now. Only I don't have a space clear enough on my desk to dump out my bag.

    (Also, I did NOT mean to suggest your post said nothing. I said the draft of the post *I wrote* said nothing. I am sorry I sounded like a jerk.)

    1. LOL— it’s OK— it SAID NOTHING— that’s the nature of the topic.

  7. I am team backpack! I know it is dorky and not at all fashionable, but so be it! I upgraded to a really really nice work backpack (brand is Briggs & Riley) because my former colleague who was a road warrior told me it was indestructible and I think it has a lifetime guarantee. Besides that, I have a Ori London bag that is made from recycled water bottles, I think? It is a very casual purse but I don't take it to client meetings. I have separate tiny purse that i use for work travel that only fits a small wallet, my 2 phones (person and work cells), and other essentials like kleenex/chapstick/lipstick/etc. That purse is small so I can put it inside my backpack when boarding the plane to stay within the 2 items/person rule (backpack + carryon).

    1. I will check out this backpack brand for Ben— he loves backpacks, Right now he has a really good Fjallraven one, but indestructible is so tempting

  8. mbmom1112:08 PM

    I don't carry a purse ; I used to have a huge one as a purse/diaper bag combo, but gave it up once t he kids were out of diapers. My work bag (a canvas messenger my husband got at a conference ages ago) has my text books, my grading folders, a pocket with extra calculators and charging cord, a pocket with a pencil case with colored pens, dry-erase markers, a mini-stapler, and a pocketknife. My phone sometimes goes in it, but usually hangs out in my hand or hangs on my wrist, and my keys are on lanyards around my neck (otherwise I misplace them). I'm trying to keep it minimal after years of bringing everything but the kitchen sink along.

    1. Love that! Embrace the post diaper bag life!!

  9. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Cleaning out my work bag is always a good reminder that I do NOT under ANY circumstance need to purchase another lip product and should probably block sephora.com

  10. I just switched purses partly because the other one was too heavy, although my years-old neck problem is not going to be solved by that. I was about to do a post too, although it will not be as exciting as yours - eye cream in the purse? Next level. I just recently did the same thing with organizers, and it started out not so well but is now going better.

    1. I LOVE a good what’s-in-my-bag post—- dooooo it!

  11. I switched to a bag with wheels years ago and it's one of my smartest choices! It can hold twice as much as I could carry in a bag and still fits in the overhead compartment of a plane. Does it give old-lady vibes? Yes, BUT I AM AN OLD LADY so I'm fine with that.

    1. My work friend has one, and it is great., BUT everyone always assumes she’s on her way to/from the airport.

  12. I'm team backpack. What I can't recommend enough is the Sauberkugel - The Clean Ball (I bought on Amazon) because it picks up all the hair and crumbs in the bottom of your bag, you wash it off, and it keeps on working. It's a game changer.

    1. I love the name of this thing and also I NEED IT!

  13. Currently I'm using my summer bag, because my bigger bags look so BULKY next to my capris and sandals. What? I know, I can't believe I said that either. It's a little black coach bag that I bought in 1989 and it went with my on my honeymoon in 1993. It has been to England more times than I have, because it went with my daughter when she went in 2017. It has room for my sunglasses, 1 pair of readers, a card carrier thing for my drivers license and 4 credit cards plus health insurance card. I need all 4 credit cards because I rotate them for maximum points. I like to pretend I'm not a LOT, but I really am. It's fine. Oh, there's some lip balm in there too, and my keys. When I have to start going to the office in January, I'm going to have to have a separate bag for my computer and so on. Bah, humbug!

    BTW, the real reason I've been using the smaller bag is that my bigger one was hurting my shoulder, and it had about 1/10th of what yours has. Basically everything I mentioned above plus a real wallet and a lipstick.

  14. I love these kinds of posts! I did one a long time ago when I was working in an office and probably need to do an updated one soon! I don't have a work bag and try to keep my purse small - it fits a very slim wallet, sunglasses, a Tide pen, Advil, gum, my phone, and keys. It *could* fit my Kindle if needed - that's important!
