Friday, November 29, 2024

5 on a Friday: ugh I just don't want to break the chain (49/52)

1. I don't have much to say because I am SICK. 

2. When I woke up on Thanksgiving morning, I felt like I had a block of concrete in my sinuses. I was on DAY SIXTEEN of a terrible cough. Days one and two saw a mild fever/chills and some body aches, but days 3-14 were just the cough. I think I had a fever on day 15, and Wednesday night I felt kind of crappy at bedtime. Thursday morning, I was SURE I had a sinus infection, so I went to urgent care.

3. Where I was diagnosed with a sinus infection. 

4. And also PNEUMONIA and PERTUSSIS. Oops.

5. Also Minnie has an ear infection.


  1. mbmom119:01 AM

    Oh, no! I hope you get good meds and lots of rest! Snuggle with Minnie and watch the great British baking show for comfort.

  2. I am so sorry to hear this. :( Feel better soon. Snuggles, fluids, meds... and hopefully some rest.
