Friday, November 29, 2024

5 on a Friday: ugh I just don't want to break the chain (48/52)

1. I don't have much to say because I am SICK. 

2. When I woke up on Thanksgiving morning, I felt like I had a block of concrete in my sinuses. I was on DAY SIXTEEN of a terrible cough. Days one and two saw a mild fever/chills and some body aches, but days 3-14 were just the cough. I think I had a fever on day 15, and Wednesday night I felt kind of crappy at bedtime. Thursday morning, I was SURE I had a sinus infection, so I went to urgent care.

3. Where I was diagnosed with a sinus infection. 

4. And also PNEUMONIA and PERTUSSIS. Oops.

5. Also Minnie has an ear infection.


  1. mbmom119:01 AM

    Oh, no! I hope you get good meds and lots of rest! Snuggle with Minnie and watch the great British baking show for comfort.

  2. I am so sorry to hear this. :( Feel better soon. Snuggles, fluids, meds... and hopefully some rest.

  3. Oh Sarah, this is awful on so many levels. I'm just remembering your photo post from last year (I think it was you) where a giant table of Thanksgiving things collapsed one year? Or something along those lines???!!! You have had some tough Thanksgivings :(

    Hope you're feeling better soon. That is a triple/quadruple whammy of awful stuff.

  4. Pnemonia AND PERTUSSIS?! And a sinus infection?! Sarah! I hope you get better soon ❤️

  5. Oh no you poor thing! I hope you feel better and soon!

  6. Lisa’s Yarns3:39 PM

    Oh no!! That is so rough! I hope the drugs kick in quickly for both of you! Feel better soon and rest as much as you can (which I imagine is nearly impossible as a mom of 5…).

  7. UGH. Pertussis has been going around here as well. My husband and daughter were both sick, but they didn't go to the doctor so who knows what it was but maybe? I felt very superior because I didn't catch it, which I am attributing to the notion that I am the only one in the household who is up to date on that particular vaccine.

    Accurate? Probably not, but I'll take a bit of smugness wherever I can find it.

    I hope you're on the mend now that you have the DRUGS.

  8. Anonymous5:33 PM

    No! This is awful. So did you miss turkey day? Ugh. I hope you are on some strong meds and that you feel like your energetic self in no time.

  9. Oh my gosh, this is terrible. Well, I'm sure they sent you home with LOTS OF MEDS. So this all happened on Thanksgiving? Ugh. Well, I hope you're feeling a little better by now. Get lots of rest!!!!!!

  10. Sarah, feel better. I, myself, just got over an awful cough that would not bloody go away. Prednisone finally did it but holy cow, it was annoying to be around me. Now R has it, and L is starting to cough, too. When does it END? lol Just pass the wine would ya

  11. Feel better, Sarah.
