Monday, January 27, 2025

Money Monday: FAILS

 I think because I have been in more of a general funk about WORLD AFFAIRS this week and because I was distracted by impending WORLD AFFAIRS most of the month, my tracking has been… not the best, and I am buying WAY TOO MUCH.

Speaking of buying way too much, I would like to go back in time and un-buy some of this kinetic sand. (Just kidding— I love kinetic sand, and it is way less of a pain than other kiddie crafts).

Cooper demolished the zipper on his North Face coat (which, to be fair, was Very Old (hand-me downs for the win) and can be repaired for future use) which is also leaking feathers, AND it was so cold that school was cancelled. Sooooo, we had to buy him a coat STAT— which was trickier than you might think because most stores are all done selling coats in person, so sizes were hard to come by and Coop is very picky. But also! Most stuff is on sale, so the slim pickings were cheap. He got one for just under thirty dollars (SEVENTY PERCENT OFF ARE YOU KIDDING ME).

Then Cooper’s very favorite Speedo sprung a few teeny holes (too much washing! Too much wearing!). I found it on sale HALF PRICE, so he got 2 new ones for another fifty five dollars (when I am paying for shipping— which I freaking hate to do— I think ordering more is the best idea).

I noticed that Jack went out to shovel the sidewalk in a North Face fleece and I was all you should wear your winter coat, and he was all this is the only coat I have. OOPS. Kids grow, and you need to replaced their stuff, it turns out. Unlike Cooper, who is extremely picky and must try new things on unless he is getting an exact replica of something he already has— and even then it could be a few millimeters off and make him stabby— Jack is happy to order online. NOW is the very best time to buy a coat from Land’s End, so he got a down puffer for fifty bucks.

Speaking of growing!! Minnie Jedd! Is all of the sudden too big for all her clothes— too tall, arms too long, the whole nine yards. (Happened over night. One day she looked darling on her way to school, and the next day, she looked like she got dressed out of the oops-I-peed-my-pants bin in her classroom) This is sad because NO MORE TODDLER CLOTHES— she has to shop the big kids’ sections. But! It was a kick to take her shopping for… everything? She got 3 dresses, a sweatshirt, a pair of wide-legged lavender pull-on jeans, 3 pairs of leggings, 2 henleys, a sweater, and three skirts. Plus some cute tights and a pair of cowboy boots. For one hundred fifty bucks! (Dorothy and Minnie have not lined up well in terms of seasons and sizes, and Dorothy was a little girls 6 for like 3 years, so not much survived that size).

Even though these were good deals, that’s still like three hundred bones. Plus we had to buy Harry a new pair of Dunks ($130) because we literally THREW HIS AWAY when he came home (because they got tossed from his dirty clothes duffel bag into the garage in a Target bag, and we often toss trash into the garage for a kid to take to the can, and we use Target bags as trash can liners. I think a pair of Nike waffles got tossed, too, but they are discontinued? I don’t know— we are on the hook for another pair of sneakers is my takeaway) Also I had to refill my parking pass ($50). And Dorothy’s lunch account ($30). Plus there was a detour to the co-op for Naked Juice for Coop that turned int o a $70 trip and yielded some excellent wine. And! WORLD AFFAIRS made me go buy baskets and candles and pillows at Home Goods ($75).

IT WAS AN EXPENSIVE WEEK is what I am saying. And also I spent money every single day. I also blew my no-spend the week before. Blergh. I like the idea of this challenge, though, so I am going to extend it into next month.

Happy little shopper (in THE BEST reversible $8 coat from Costco— this is the second year we have bought this coat, and I hope they have it in her size next year, too).


  1. Kids! They are always growing! You did great on your bargain shopping, also, wahhhh Minnie's growing up!

  2. I think everyone gets a pass on their minor indulgences last week...

    (And also, keeping your kids clothed is an important part of parenting.)

  3. Omg that's kind of funny that Cooper's coat zipper broke at the coldest time of the year. I mean, you HAD to replace it! All the other items seem necessary as well (we'll give you the Home Goods purchases as mental health items.) There's no way around it- kids are expensive.

  4. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Home goods will become super expensive after tariffs! You’re being smart. Buy those shoes now!

  5. Well you influenced me to buy 2 Land End jackets for the boys for $60ish each. They had me at the "good down to -26F".

    Paul is STILL in toddler sizes. Lol. He'll be 7 in March! Taco is closing in on him - he wears 4T, Paul wears mostly 5T but some little boy XS if it fits small. Paul just finally hit 40 lbs, Taco weighs 38 which is pretty average for his age. Paul is our 5th percentile cutie, though. He does not seem to care thank goodness!

  6. This IS my winter coat. LOLOLOL. Why didn't he say something before?!

  7. Kinetic sand. omg.. That and Play dough. They love it and I just can't.. BUT! I occupies them= less arguing.
    L is on her winter coat for the last year, new one next year. R got his winter coat this year and I expect that to last at least two more years. It has those tricky sleeves that can be pulled out to accommodate growing limbs.
    I dread the time when my kids will be picky with clothing. Right now L will not wear anything black, fair, she is 7, and R could care less what he is clothed in. Just give him a transformer.

  8. Hand me downs are the best until they break down. When Reg was little, I opened the next bin of boy clothes and about cried. Some dinosaur sweatshirts are not meant to be worn by a 4th brother. I believe I have heard that exact statement in years past. . . This IS my winter coat. Oops! I think this week your spending falls into When it rains it pours. But it also sounds like you scored some great deals!

  9. It sounds like you needed almost all of it, so just categorize it under 'life is expensive' and that's it. I'm curious about the excellent wine. :-)

    Today was my no spend day, but that was totally an accident because it was my daughter's turn to cook and she said, 'can we have leftovers?' Since the goal of her cooking is me NOT cooking, I could not possibly care less. She could make me a PB&J sandwich and I would be fine with it. Good to have a no spend day, because I'm going to spend a lot of money on Friday - Massage and Hair on the same day. And maybe I'll take myself out for a glass of wine in between.

  10. Yeah I feel like we have gotten super lax as the boys get older about making sure they have all the "things" that fit, like we used to when they were younger. Like we had family in town for Christmas, and they were going to go sledding with cousins and we were suddenly like, wait, we only have one pair of snowpants that fits them... and we have two of them. Ha. They so rarely wear boots anymore too that that was another issue. (Fortunately one was able to borrow my husband's boots...).

    And the lunch money thing! I swear every time I turn around I get the "your balance is low" email... and I don't put just $30 on! I usually put at least $75-100 at a time...

  11. "This is the only coat I have" lolol. It was Eve's underwear that I always suddenly realized she'd been wearing forever and how was it not cutting off her circulation. Dressing her was one of the greatest joys of my life.
    I mean, most of it was necessary stuff and not World Events, and like any good program, if you slip you just get back on the bike (to mangle a metaphor).

  12. When it rains, it pours, doesn't it?! Gah. It's so hard trying to be a mindful consumer when you have kids who like to grow out of things! Sheesh. ;)

  13. I totally agree that we all get a hygge pass on shopping last week. I bought a precious vintage hutch and a totally unnecessary cookie jar for a not-budgeted amount. I think you made up for it on the sweet deals on coats (#girlmath?) One upside to CA living is that my kids can be out in a hoodie and no one suspects negligence.
