Monday, January 13, 2025

Money Monday: January Goal

 Ideally, this would be the first money post of the month, but, alas.

Okay. My goal for January is to have 2 days every week where I spend ZERO DOLLARS. I think Ben is also going to do this, but our days might not sync up because it is easier for me to do it when he is gone and probably easier for him when he is home.

A few things:

  • We share all of our money, so when one of us spends, we both spend, and these days are totally arbitrary, and I KNOW THAT at least.
  • I am not going to make Ben buy things on my zero days because this seems like a loophole I could really use. Hey can you run to Target and grab…
  • It actually probably matters more that I spend/don't spend since I am the one buying ALL OF THE THINGS for the kids and the house and paying school fees, etc etc etc, so if Ben wants to play along, I love that, but I am the one with $1500 latte problem or whatever the hell Suze Orman says.
  • Obviously, if someone NEEDS something I will buy it, but also, I like how this goal is structuring my spending. For instance, I was planning a no-spend day on Tuesday. But! The middle school sent a notice about ordering yearbooks. I know from my experience in this school district that yearbook ordering is a shitshow until high school, and I will be bombarded with emails about ordering for the rest of the semester and I can never remember if I actually did it and it is all outsourced to a vendor so no one at school can confirm (high school yearbooks are purchased at registration right there in my Infinite Campus account, and this is heaven). SO ANYWAY, my new policy (a few years old) is to just order the damn books the minute I first see an email. That happened on Tuesday. So, I pulled the trigger on a Target pick up and also stopped by the pharmacy to grab a script for a kid and then declared Wednesday and Thursday no-spend days. Bonus: errand consolidation. 
  • I am, as you can tell by the bullet above, an abstainer, not a moderator. If I do any spending on no-spend, I will do all of the spending, so the fewer loopholes the better.
Will no-spend days bring my weekly spending down, or will I just spend MORE on the other days? Who knows-- I will keep you posted.

Dumbest thing I bought last week:
 Probably a shirt to match my planner. But! It was only $4 at Old Navy, so I really think I have bought less responsible things. This is just, like, super silly.
(Also, on the topic of frugality-- I found the jeans I am wearing in that picture in the back of Cooper and Jack's closet. I think they used to be Harry's, and they no longer fit anyone, so I chopped off the legs to just above the ankle, and I am in love. Stay tuned for this summer because I made 3 more pairs of old boy jeans into awkward jorts)

Best thing I bought last week:

Last year, I was too slow on the add-to-cart (NOT MY USUAL PROBLEM), and I missed out on Target's cute v-day sweatshirts. NOT THIS YEAR, FRIENDS.

(Also I will wear this year-round because I heart hearts.)


  1. Oooh I like the heart shirt! I also heart hearts.

  2. I just stopped myself from making an impulse online purchase because I DO NOT NEED IT. I have two heart shirts - one is a sweater so I hardly ever get to wear it, stupid thermoregulatory issues.

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    So I actually looked at my spending by each month for 2024 and was appalled at all the stupid purchases we make. This year I’m limiting eating out and Amazon purchases as much as I can. Your posts inspired me but also made me realize I could have been saving more if I had better self control. So this year I’m going to do better as circumstances permit.

  4. Sarah, you are so adorable -- buying a shirt to match your planner made me smile. I totally understand both being the family member who buys All the Family Things, and also trying to group big purchases all together on one day so I can have a day where I don't spend anything. It would be super interesting to track whether this affects overall spending or not! I am looking forward to your results.

  5. $1500 latte prob - so I calculated I spent about $400 at Starbucks on myself (not including trips w kids but we don't go with the kids THAT often) last year. I was pretty okay with that number! That $400 bought a lot of comfort happiness and energy @ work!

  6. I'm obsessed with the Target heart sweatshirt but I'm determined to not buy any more sweatshirts for a while :( I like a no-spend day because it keeps me from the frivolous stuff like "popping in" to TJ Maxx or buying lunch because my sandwich doesn't appeal anymore

  7. I LOLed at the school yearbook comments because 100% same. I've had end of school years where kids are looking at me asking if I bought them a yearbook for last day of school signing and I have no clue. So now I do it immediately and ignore the remaining 87 reminders to buy.

  8. I think it will make you more conscious of your spending. It is tricky when you're buying for the entire family- if it were just you, it would be easy to do no-spend days. I'll be interested to see how this works out!

  9. Two no-spend days during the week is SO SMART. I really want to lower the amount I'm spending on stupid frivolous purchases, although I have NOT been doing well on that in January sigh.
