Friday, February 14, 2025

5 on a Friday: Dumb things I bought this week

 1. This water bottle for Dorothy for vday. WHERE WILL SHE LOSE IT? I wish I already knew.

2. Ugg Tasmans for Coop who will wear them for a month or two, put them away for warm weather, and never be able to wear them again.

3. THIS BOOK!! The exact same version I read and loved as a kid. Only dumb because Dorothy basically hates every book I ever suggest on principle. I guess I will read it myself?

4-5. This tutu and matching bear for Minnie because she has a drawer full of dance clothes and a bin bursting with stuffies and she says she doesn't even want to do dance next year BUT IAM ONLY HUMAN YOU GUYSSSSS (I bought a leo that Dorothy kind of hates and a really expensive for what it is ballet sweater for Dorothy in the same order. SO THE WHOLE ORDER WAS DUMB, and I KNOW IT).


  1. Kat R3:23 PM

    Aw I LOVE that book. My daughters have no interest in the books I recommend either. Such a bummer! I'll read it with you!

  2. Sarah, I was just at the mall to pick up my winter coat, and I have a box getting ready to send to Eve for her birthday and Valentine's day and if I had seen that water bottle it would be IN THE BOX. Also I tried on a cute little dress - navy with red cherries - in old navy and didn't buy it and I already regret it.

  3. But look how cute she and the bear are now! So cute! Reminds me of a stuffed bunny I got my daughter that matched the flower girl dress she wore at our wedding (to her dad, kind of a long story). I loved how they matched! And both were donated long ago. At least I have photos.
    When I die I will request a slide show of where everything that I, and my kids, lost over the years. My husband never loses anything so I won’t have to request that.

    1. oh adorable flower girl/bunny idea!

  4. You HAD to get the tutu and bear!!!! And why don't I remember that Judy Blume book? Was it a later one? You definitely should keep it for yourself.

    1. it's from 1987-- I read it when it was new and I was 9

  5. Look at Minnie's joy! <3
    (I have two shelves of books I enjoyed as a kid/teen to reread over the summers--go ahead and start a collection.)

    1. ooooh what a fun summer plan. I THINK I WILL, with the challenge to source them all 2nd hand...

  6. Just As Long As We're Together is so great. I love Judy Blume. There's another one that goes with that, Rachel somebody? Don't remember exactly the title. Rachel Robinson? Deenie was my number one favourite, I reread basically all the Judy Blume over the pandemic. Maybe I'll read them again! What fun.

    1. here's to you rachel robinson! I was just texting SHU about this because I loved rachel the most as a character but did not like her book!

  7. I've never even heard of Just As Long As We're Together. How did I miss that one? I feel cheated. This whole post made me chuckle, especially the part about how you already wonder where Dorothy will leave that water bottle. Relatable!

    1. it's from 1987! Maybe your little girls would like it? the girls in the book are in 7th grade

  8. Well, even if you say they were dumb purchases, at least they were fun! I was fully adult when that book came out, so I have never heard of it.

    1. it's proving to be delightful on the reread

  9. Just As Long As We're Together is my FAVORITE Judy Blume book so now I really need to do a reread. That book taught me SO MUCH haha
