Wednesday, February 19, 2025

F.I.G.s 2/11-2/18

 Tuesday, 2/11: A second double-batch of cookie dough in 5 days. How long will this one last? And also, how lucky am I to have such a simple, joyful way to take care of everyone?

Wednesday, 2/12: Our own snow day

Thursday, 2/13: Minnie's 4.5 birthday
Friday 2/14: Valentines from grandma

Saturday 2/15: Again with the cute tableaux. The dollhouse as a chair is my VERY FAVORITE.

Sunday 2/16: I like these so much I ate them AS I WAS UNPACKING the rest of my delivery. Perfect with coffee.
Monday 2/17: THESE POST IT NOTES that I must have snagged from my dad's desk a million years ago. They turned up in my desk drawer at work-- because that's how long I have been in my office. (Since 2009, a full decade before my dad would die and where my parents visited me at work, even. They spent a whole week with baby Dorothy is an empty classroom in 2013 so I could train my TAs when she was 5 months old.)

Tuesday 2/18: This book is a funny little gem-- I like it even better than the Thursday Murder books, and I loved those.


  1. I think that is one of the reasons this February has felt like it's lasting forever - I haven't made enough cookies!

    Gah - I do miss seeing those sorts of elaborate imaginative setups. I am so grateful to 10-year-ago Elisabeth for taking pictures of them all and putting them in photobooks so I can remember those special moments.

  2. You make more cookies in a week than I have in years. Ha! I make a cookie cake for the boys' birthday and that is kind of the extent of my baking... but I don't have enough sweet eaters in my house so I will eat far too many cookies if I have them on hand!! I so wish I was a moderator, not an abstainer. Sigh.

    1. sadly I too am an abstainer.

  3. I made cookies last night, too! My husband was at his book club and I was rattling around the house and making cookies seemed like the BEST IDEA EVER.

    1. IT IS, especially in this cold

  4. The tea party set up is so so sweet. I gave Curly a snow day last week too. Her high school was the only one in the area that still had school. Who wants teenagers driving when roads are terrible? Dumb.

    1. RIGHT?! I had Jack leave at lunch because I could not even imagine a snowy, icey parking lot full of 500 shitty drivers all trying to leave at the same time

  5. Weeping a little over your parents in the empty classroom with Dorothy.
    Also adored We Solve Murders.

    1. it was SO CUTE-- I was thinking of Bonnie's bathroom door on the topilet photo today and laughing to myself.

  6. I want to eat that entire bowl of cookie dough, raw, bird flu concerns be dammed.

    Also now I badly want to read the Osman book!

    Love finding little artifacts of people you love, especially the ones that might not be special to anyone else. (Although sometimes the finding can hurt.)

    1. UGH I miss raw cookie dough SO MUCH

  7. That cookie dough looks soooo good. Nom, nom, nom!

    I have had my eye on that Richard Osman book - glad to know it has your endorsement!
