Friday, March 07, 2025

5 on a Friday: A Whole Lotta Nothing

 What a week! she said, flummoxed to be writing on a FRIDAY AFTERNOON when the last time she checked it was MONDAY.

It is me.

I am she.


1. A big week for Minnie-- she was CHILD! OF! THE! WEEEEEK! in her 4K class.

2. I really could not decide which shoes paired best with my pleather skirt, so I brought them both to work.
3. This cute pie took a lot of wlaks.
4. Minnie and I hit up JoAnn for some crafts before the iconic store goes out of biz.
5. Dorothy and I went to Plato's Closet and she got a Free People skort (pictured) and some Altar'd State shorts with tulle accents for like thirty bucks. So fun!
She also loved her trio costume that she got a pair of the jams for home use.

Nothing much happened this week, and yet. Woof. Exhausting. Just being a human in the world who cares about other humans-- it's a lot.


  1. Congrats to Minnie! Those are some cute girls, and cute shoes!

  2. mbmom113:00 PM

    Oh, the leopard shoes are divine! The others are cute too.

  3. Aw, Minnie- of course she was child of the week! She should be that every week!
    I didn't know Joanne's was going out of business. And... he Annabel!

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    What? No one told me Joann’s is going out of business. Where will I buy fabric when I see something. I am not handling this news well. At all.

    Student of the week- so fun.

    I just read Lisa’s post that ended with HIW WAS YOUR WEEK and I could not remember anything except for my jam packed day off. Twinning. ;)

    1. Dang- that was me! Just noticed I was incognito

  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Ufff adulting for yourself and for people dependent on you is… something. I was off for two days with a cold or allergies, don’t even know, and I feel like I worked the full week…
    Saturday is full of activities till 3pm then they can watch a movie, so I can read my book.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Sorry that was Daria from
