Monday, March 24, 2025



Ben did the floor in Dorothy's room! And he also assembled her new night stand, which is WAY SMALLER than I thought it would be-- but it will be PEEEERFECT for Minnie, who is inhertinig Dorothy's bed. We need to buy 2 box springs (one for each room) and a rug for Dorothy's room and hope to have the exciting room makeover conclusion next week-ish.

My mom and Steve and my aunt came to visit, which was SO FUN. My mom and Steve saw some dance comp on Friday night, and we all hung out Saturday and went out to dinner-- it was lovely.

Dorothy had a monster dance weekend: Friday night she had a competition and performed 6 dances in LESS THAN 2 HOURS. PHEW! Then she took dance classes ALL DAY Saturday and Sunday (the comp was half convention). IT WAS WILD.

Minnie went with me on Friday night and lived her best life-- she made it all the way through 9pm awards, even. BUT SHE WAS TIRED.

I think I might focus on money again on Mondays since we need to rein in our spending again. But! It is tedious to think and write about, so maybe not. Groceries cost one million dollars. Kids need new clothes and shoes. Major appliances break **shrug**. BUT ALSO. Paying attention really does make me spend less, so we'll see. 

Speaking of! WHY THE HELL ARE ZBARS TWENTY TWO DOLLARS A BOX?? (Yes, I did buy them)

And! Why have I forgotten how cheap the Costco food court is? I fed everyone (absolute trash) for $14!


  1. Oooh the floor looks great! Sounds like a busy weekend.

  2. The renos are coming along brilliantly! The comforter in Dorothy's room is Nu's favorite and may even go to college...

    1. love that! she's going all white, but I think Minnie will rotate this one in-- it's an all time Target great

  3. Sounds amazing (although did you have to do cocaine because...) I LOVE room makeovers. And the trashy Costco food court, which I always forget about too, except the ice cream.

  4. I love that family came in town and got to watch the dancing. Ha, groceries ARE a million dollars. Looking forward to the complete room makeover and hoping my kids forgive me for glossing over the need to update their rooms forever ago. They are FINE. The girls actually struggled with the dollhouse bunk bed removal, which is why we are storing it in our basement for them to fight over when they have their own kids ;)

  5. The room looks great!!
    And, omg,what a weekend.
    We need to reign in our outside eating (restaurants) in April. we've spent over 700 on eating out this month. Yes, Friendly's is not expensive but not when you go every weekend, after skates. Ugh.

  6. Oh wow I love that flooring! And... it sounds like an exhausting weekend... especially for Dorothy! Are your kids on spring break this week?
    I enjoy your "Monday Money" posts FWIW.

  7. Oh goodness, all of that dancing, she must have been EXHAUSTED (and hungry!) That flooring...fabulous that Ben did it himself! We are team hire someone around here, we don't have the tools or a garage or anything like that.

    I also like the Money Monday posts. :-)

  8. The flooring looks so good! WTG Ben!

    Dorothy's energy continues to astound me. WHAT IS IT LIIIIKE.
