Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Staycay Day 1

 We are going NOWHERE for spring break this year, btw. NO TIME TO TRAVEL because PTO is more than spoken for with kiddie sportsball travel this summer. SUCH A GLAMOROUS LIFE. Soooooo, we are staying in town and enjoying a slower pace for the week.

Here's a look at Monday:

Annabel got a helluva stick of the day on our walk this morning. Yes that is snow because FML.

Dorothy and I headed to Home Goods in search of a rug for her room and returned TRIUMPHANT!
She was looking at pastel pink floral rugs online on Wayfair and the devil's trading post, but the reviews made us think we needed to find rugs in real life where we could touch them and see how thick they were. Ben, Minnie, Dorothy, and I went to At Home, Wal Mart and Target (**hangs head in shame**) on Sunday night and found NOTHING (but! Minnie picked out some stuff for her room and new-to-her big girl bed, and it matches NOTHING in her current room, so I can't wait to deal with that next week.). We went to Home Goods, then Marshalls, then World Market, then back to Home Goods, and I am really surprised by her eventual pick (that I like a lot). It is nice but not expensive, and if I need to replace it because she spills a can of orange soda on it or colors on it with sharpies, I will not be sad.
Next, Dorothy, Minnie, and I got pedicures (all) and manicures (just them-- I hate having my nails painted **shrug**) while Ben worked and Jack and Cooper played video games (which they did from the moment their eyes opened until Jack had to go to work and Coop had to go to diving practice).

Quick walk to the park

When Ben, my sunglasses twin, finished his day and came to trade with me

Now I am happily grading for my online overload class (doesn't get a spring break because it's only 8 weeks long) and writing this while Coop works.


  1. I love staycations. There's something so fresh about being home but not having the exact same schedule as the regular school week.

    You look GORGEOUS in the picture with Dorothy where you're wearing the pink coat. Your hair = MY DREAM. I just adore bangs but look horrible in them. You rock them and that messy bun is perfection.

  2. I love that rug! I want to see it in the room when everything is finished.
    Your staycation sounds pretty busy! I think it's good you're not going anywhere so you can (try to) catch up on life.

  3. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I hear ya on the such a glamorous life. Lol

  4. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Earlier this week I googled “where to buy curtain rod not evil dei boycott”. That’s after I spent $100 at walmart- forgot my principles and the curtain rod. The answer is, I think wayfair?? And certainly pottery barn if you want a $200 curtain rod.

  5. Staycations can be fun! Paul's spring break is next week but he'll be going to Minneapolis Kids. They have super fun things planned, though, so going to a movie theater to see Minecraft which he is thrilled about!

  6. I suspect we will be staycationing this year too, my husband and daughter don't want to spend the money to travel. Boo! I may need to go without them. My money goes a lot further when it's just me!

  7. Wow, you already have your spring break? I still have three weeks to go. I may not make just putting it out there. I am on my last breath.

  8. Staycationing sounds really nice, time to get shit done and relax a bit - a very small bit - okay, does this seem boring to you, be honest?
    I love pedicures and hate having my fingernails painted too! We also have snow - fresh snow and still piles on the lawn in the north-facing front yard. RUDE.

  9. I took yesterday and today off and had a giant list of things that needed to be done during business hours that I have been putting off for a long time. Everything is now done on that list!! My husband DARED TO SAY this morning that we were BEING LAZY over the last few days and I just shoved my list in his face. NOT LAZY. HOW DARE YOU?

    Anyway, what I'm saying is that I'd love a real staycation where I get to stay at home and actually be lazy.
