I LOVE Dorothy's dance team dress rehearsal. It is so fun to see all the dances and have time to practice hair and makeup (Dorothy did her own makeup!!!!! This was awesome!!). It's also so great for the kids to get to practice on a stage-- especially for the kids Dorothy's age and younger because the dance just feels different the first time the kids perform it outside a studio. The teens and seniors could dance anywhere and still look like pros, but the minis and juniors need a second, you know?
We were SUCH NOOBS in 2022! We were sans DANCE BAG in 2023! We sort of had our ish together last year.
And Sunday? ALMOST OLD PROS. I did wind up with Minnie for 4 hours and had nothing to entertain her with except a Little People horse and a car wash Little People guy that I found in my car. She and Ben popped by to watch a couple dances and bring us lunch, and she stayed-- and he brought her NOTHING. It turned out to be fine-- she danced the whole time.
Once again, my dance mom job entailed bringing body glue because I am the mom for a hip hop dance where everyone has knee socks, and the style guide admonishes them to keep their socks up with glue. I did a great job assembling the group, checking their costumes, handing around my glue, snapping a pic, and -- as I was VERY CLEARLY INSTRUCTED-- standing in the back center of the theater and taking a landscape-oriented video to post on the group app. WELL, one of the kids accosted me hours later for my BUTT GLUE. I was like erm well it's BODY glue when I gave it to her, and she goes WELL I AM GOING TO USE IT FOR MY BUTT. And then she brought it back with NO LID and said THIS DID NOT HAVE A LID WHEN YOU GAVE IT TO ME by way of thanks. LOL. I bought a new one immediately and put that one in a ziploc bag-- that's the one for lending now. (The kids in junior jazz used the glue, too, to keep their skirts up, and I ordered a mega pack of alcohol wipes as well because the glue leaves a sticky spot and then lint from other costumes gets stuck on it, and the results an be alarming, as I discovered when Dorothy got read for her lyrical dance, which the group performs sans tights.)
I realized that I take dance a bit too seriously as I messaged the tap teacher right after the run-through to book a private lesson for Dorothy who claimed that her shoe fell off mid-dance but really looked like she would not know the choreography if she met it on the street.
I did not do a good job of taking pics of Dorothy in all her costumes, even though I promised myself I would this year.
I totally missed the dance iI am mom for (LOL), which is a hip hop large group. She's all the way on the right on the front (and, I think, the person responsible for the whole dance being too far to the right, so that's cool)
Here's her hip hop super group look:
It's boggling my mind that they dance all these styles??? You can tell I'm not a dance mom, lol.
ReplyDeleteSo when is Minnie old enough to start?
Your commitment to dance amazes me. And your kid can do all those dances- what talent!!
ReplyDeleteI am definitely not a dance mom, nor a sport mom. ( let's face facts, dance is as athletic as any team sport, as well as being an art.)
I hope the performances go smoothly!
Oh man. I remember sock glue - that's what we called it for Irish dancing. I still have a tube of it. I'm dying at the butt glue and here it is WITHOUT A LID. What?
ReplyDeleteI hated all the costume nonsense, but the wigs was the worst part by far. I once pinned a kilt on Ed and it was perfect. The mom that did the costume check for their team, decided to adjust the way they fastened the boys' kilts. She wanted the same centimeters of the fabric to show in the flap behind the front flap. She removed a pin. Told him she'd be right back. Never came back. The velcro wasn't reliable (thus the pins). He was like 11 or 12? He danced on stage and his klit opened. Irish dancers aren't allowed to move their arms. He had boxers on underneath. Since it was a ceili team, he quickly reattached the velcro when he moved his arms to make an arch for his partner, etc. It was quite the Event and he was furious.
So MANY costumes and dances - how do they keep it all straight? We had two costumes in Irish dancing - solos and teams. How on earth do you track all of that - never mind a dance bag - it looks like you need a trunk.