Look! I am so strong I can hold $200 worth of groceries IN ONE HAND
Dinners last week:
Sunday 2/9: Tacos and brownies for the super bowl. Only I rushed to get the brownies out of the oven so I could have time to finish my book AND take a nap while Ben had the kids at The Wonders of Physics on campus, and the brownies were not actually cooked. I ate one for a sundae base anyway, but Coop had a friend over, and I did not want to poison someone else's kid, so the children had ice cream cookie sandwiches with THESE cookies (I made a double batch on Saturday when I was forecasting our day to Minnie, and she said "DO WE HAVE TIME TO ALSO BAKE A YUMMY TREAT?" and we always do.
Leftovers: Salad greens and cut up taco veggies, beef taco meat, shredded chicken. I ate some for lunch on Monday, and so did Ben.
Monday 2/10: Pasta casserole with WF store-brand kale caesar salad and crusty bread.
Leftovers: ALL OF IT especially since Ben forgot to serve the slad or bread. We had tons of lunches, plus leftover bread for Sunday morning french toast
Tuesday 2/11: Instead of going out, I made sandwiches for me and Dorothy and Minnie in an afternoon lull and made sure we had cut up veggies and fresh fruit ready to go on the side. We ate fast (and pretty neatly!) before dance.
Wednesday 2/12: We had our very own snow day because I was shocked at how terrible the roads were at preschool pick up time, so I picked everyone up early because yikes. I also swung by Target and spent $80 on... I don't really know. Candy, ice cream, birthday cake stuff. We had frozen pizza and garbage-- it was pretty great. (I also spent $70 on annabel's food at Pet Smart).
Thursday 2/13: Chicken, baked potatoes, and kale caesar salad (that we forgot to eat on Monday -- winner!)
Friday 2/14: Snow again. Papa Murphy's pizza and cookie (in a heart, natch) for the kids for $30 and sushi and champs for us for $175. I also took Dorothy and Coop out for a SIXTY FIVE DOLLAR breakfast. $20/head for breakfast seems high to me?
Saturday 2/15: Enchiladas, chips and salsa. Jack was at the closing night of his show, and the little kids don't like enchiladas (eye roll), so they had breakfast for dinner (scrambled eggs, pancakes, turkey sausage, fruit), and Ben and I ate ours after they went to bed, with Veuve.
Soooooo, that's $550 for Sunday groceries, plus $50 at Target (a bit of the total was for Vday presents for Min because the dance stuff I ordered said it wouldn't be here in time but then it WAS, so that became a 1/2 bday gift LOL), plus $270 for vday. UM YOU GUYS. THAT IS EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY FOOD DOLLARS. Um. (plus the Veuve).
We have a lot of spinach and bananas to eat in the next like 36 hours before they liquify as well. **yikes face**
Also I ordered groceries for this coming week in bed trying to stay up to make sure Jack got home OK, so I have NO IDEA WHAT I GOT. Should be fine. LOL LOL LOL.